SINE 2024
SINE 2024
Each of our three regions, APAC, EMEA, and NA run an annual SINE (Seminar Inducting New Executives) Conference, usually hosted by one of the chapters at their university. Open to our dedicated Robogals volunteers from chapters, the regional team, and the central team, the conference brings together university students and young professionals passionate about driving positive change in engineering. Each year at the conference, volunteers collaborate, share ideas, and undergo leadership and professional development training. It provides a valuable a platform for for like-minded individuals to share ideas, collaborate on improving and innovating workshops, and undergo comprehensive leadership and professional development training. Moreover, the conference serves as a hub for collaborative planning, enabling volunteers to shape the future direction of Robogals’ initiatives.

APAC SINE 2024 is supported by

Partner Opportunities
In our unwavering commitment to fostering partnerships and promoting growth, we have had the privilege of collaborating with various esteemed organisations in the past to deliver training sessions for our volunteers. Continuing this tradition, we are delighted to extend a special invitation to our esteemed Robogals Partners to actively contribute to the conference as guest speakers. This valuable opportunity allows Partners to share invaluable insights into their distinctive approach to workplace innovation and professional development. We are truly excited about the upcoming SINE Conferences, as they return to being held in-person and promise to be transformative and empowering events for all participants. We look forward to the invaluable contributions and experiences that our partners will bring to each year’s conference. Please reach out to [email protected] if you are interested in sponsoring the SINE conference in any of our regions.